Floods in Chaco Province, Argentina, April 2019. Credit: Government of Chaco

The country’s national news agency Télam reported that 2 people died after they were electrocuted when power cables fell into flood water in the city of Las Breñas in Chaco Province.

Among the worst hit areas was Corzuela in Chaco Province, where 300mm of rain reportedly fell in just a few hours during the storm. Governor of the province, Domingo Peppo, said via Social Media that the village of Mesón de Fierro, around 50km south of Corzuela, recorded 380mm.

Around 1,800 people have evacuated their homes in Chaco Province. According to the provincial government around 12 locations of the province were also severe affected, including several parts of Resistencia, Barranqueras, General Pinedo, Charata, Las Breñas, and Saenz Peña.

Governor Domingo Peppo said via Social Media that basic necessities are being delivered for the victims, such as non-perishable foods, mattresses, blankets, water and cleaning kits.

Heavy rainfall also affected parts of the provinces of Formosa and Corrientes, in particular the city of Corrientes where 142mm of rain during a storm on 20 April caused flash flooding. Social Media showed images of cars floating along city streets. Télam said that there were no reports of fatalities or evacuations.

Forecasts say that further heavy rain in northern areas of Argentina and neighbouring parts of Paraguay area likely.

Social Media

RECORRIDAS INSTITUCIONALES: Por indicaciones del gobernador @domingopeppo equipos de la Subse. Niñez, Adolescencia y Flia recorren los CIFF para evaluar las consecuencias causadas por lluvias en Villa Prosperidad, Barrio Santa Catalina, Villa Río Negro, Don Bosco y Barranqueras. pic.twitter.com/N8V409OgXe

— Desarrollo Social (@DesarrolloChaco) April 22, 2019

Se están entregando elementos de primera necesidad para los damnificados, como alimentos no perecederos, colchones, frazadas, agua, kits de limpieza, entre otras cosas.#EmergenciaHidricapic.twitter.com/1pIbbDAT1i

— Domingo Peppo (@domingopeppo) April 22, 2019

Algunas imágenes aéreas del Sudoeste Chaqueño más precisamente en la zona de #MesónDeFierrodonde se registró un total de 380 milímetros caídos. #EmergenciaHídrica pic.twitter.com/RJAPCo6dZZ

— Domingo Peppo (@domingopeppo) April 21, 2019

#Chaco Continuamos brindando #ApoyoALaComunidad afectada por las inundaciones en #GeneralPinedo#Charata#LasBreñas#Barranqueras y #SaenzPeña. 10 camiones y personal de la IIIra Brigada de Monte distribuyen alimentos y agua potable y realizan evacuaciones#EsteEsTuEjercitopic.twitter.com/N7NMDvxphk

— Ejército Argentino (@Ejercito_Arg) April 22, 2019

Graves inundaciones en #Chaco y #Corrientes #Argentina  tras caer más de 200 milímetros de lluvia hoy sábado 20 de abril, se activaron protocolos de emergencia 
Vía @FabianV86802543 pic.twitter.com/yR6H1dxWqT

— Geól. Sergio Almazán (@chematierra) April 21, 2019

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